Terms & Conditions



    All offers are subject to the terms and

    conditions of Skittles Yacht Charter’s booking.

    Terms and conditions set out below on our

    invoice and stated on the website

    www.skittlescharters.com . Please consult

    Skittles Yacht Charters to receive the most

    current update of all terms, conditions and

    prices. Local taxes and fees may apply. All

    prices were deemed accurate at time of

    publishing and may be subject to change. All

    offers are based upon availability at the time

    of booking.


    1. General.

    These Terms & Conditions contain the entire agreement

    between Skittles Yacht Charters (“SYC”) and the

    individual(s) intending to charter the vessel

    (“Charterer”), (collectively “the parties”), for a bareboat

    charter from SYC with respect to the rights and

    responsibilities of all parties. Notwithstanding that, the

    parties, the Vessel, the period and the price are

    stipulated in the invoice provided separately. By paying

    the deposit on the proposed charter, Charterer agrees

    to the conditions contained herein.

    2. Payment schedule.

    a. Initial Deposit: 50% of the charter fee, which confirms

    booking the booking.

    b. Remaining 50% of the charter fee and payment for

    any add-on options due 35 days before embarkation.

    3. Boat Delivery.

    SYC will deliver the boat to the Charterer only under the

    following conditions:

    a. Full payment of any balance or security deposit due

    from Charterer,

    b. Signature by both parties of the Vessel’s delivery

    contradictory statement (inventory) specifying Vessel

    and equipment conditions.

    c. Receipt of the following documents from Charterer:

    i. Copy of Charterer’s ICC certificate/license;

    ii. Copy of Charterer’s passport; and

    iii. Listing of charter’s crew members with names and


    d. In the event SYC believes that Charterer’s and crew’s

    sailing experience is deficient, SYC reserves the right to

    cancel or modify the charter and will not refund

    Charterer for payments made to date. If available, SYC

    may offer to provide an approved skipper at Charterer’s

    expenses. If an approved skipper is provided, Charterer

    may not discharge the skipper before completion of the

    charter, except with SYC’s consent. If no skipper

    available, Charterer will be allowed to use the vessel

    staying moored to the dock.

    e. Occasionally operational reasons may result in your

    booked boat not being available due to conditions

    beyond SYC control. SYC reserves the right to try to

    arrange an alternative yacht. If your boat changes after

    booking, you will be notified as soon as is reasonably

    possible. If the only alternative yacht available is

    cheaper, you are entitled to a refund of the price

    difference. If no alternative boat can be found you will

    be entitled to a full refund.

    4. Boat Re-Delivery.

    a. The Vessel shall be returned to the End Port on the

    date and time as specified in Charterer’s invoice.

    b. If re-delivery of the Vessel is delayed by reason of

    force majeure as defined below, re-delivery shall be

    affected as soon as possible thereafter and the

    meantime the conditions of the Agreement shall remain

    in force but without penalty or additional charge against

    the Charterer.

    c. In case of delay on return, Charterer agrees to pay SYC

    the prorated charter fee plus 50%. Any begun day

    beyond the charter term is considered a full day. If

    Charterer abandons the Vessel anywhere other than the

    specified End Port, he agrees to pay DYC all costs and

    fees incurred to return the Vessel to the specified End

    Port, as well as a prorated charter fee compensation for

    the number of days necessary to sail the boat back to

    the base. Abandonment is defined as leaving the Vessel

    for longer than a 12-hour period.

    d. If the Charterer fails to re-deliver the Vessel to the

    Owner at the End Port of the Re-Delivery due to

    intentional delay or change of itinerary, Charterer

    agrees to pay SYC the prorated charter fee plus 50%.

    Any begun day beyond the charter term is considered as

    a full day. If delay in re-delivery exceeds twenty-four

    (24) hours, the Charterer shall be liable to indemnify the

    Owner for any loss or damage which the Owner shall

    suffer by reason of deprivation of use of the Vessel or

    cancellation of, or delay in delivery under, any

    subsequent charter of the Vessel.

    5. Warranties and Procedures of SYC.

    a. SYC represents, warrants, and covenants that, at

    Delivery, the Vessel will comply with all applicable laws

    and regulations of the Vessel’s flag state and any

    country within the Cruising Area, including, without

    limitation, any laws and regulations governing charters

    and any documentation, registration, or customs laws or

    regulations, such that the Vessel may lawfully be used

    by the Charterer as provided hereunder. SYC agrees to

    deliver to Charterer a boat in good working order.

    b. Check-in procedures begin at charter start time. Upon

    check-in, charterer can freely use the Vessel as soon

    as he has signed the delivery statement and received all

    the boat documents.

    c. On the first and the last day of the charter, a place in

    the SYC marina is provided and included in the booking


    d. SYC considers Genset, and Air conditioning to be

    ancillary equipment and deems the value of inoperable

    genset, and/or AC as €500, or Bow Thruster, €250, per

    charter and will refund the pro-rated value in the event

    of any failure to this amount.

    e. SYC will commit to answer to any reclamation

    received no later than 1 month after the return of the


    6. Representations and Warranties of


    a. If the Charterer (or a member of the crew) is to

    operate the Vessel, the Charterer represents and

    warrants that the Charterer is experienced, licensed, if

    applicable, and competent in the handling and

    operation of a Vessel of the type named in this

    Agreement and that the Charterer has sufficient

    practical knowledge of seamanship, piloting, and Rules-

    of-the-Road to properly exercise full authority over the

    Vessel. The Charterer shall allow the Vessel to be

    operated during the Charter Period only by a person

    qualified to do so. The Charterer shall promptly

    complete the “Sailing Resume,” to SYC via email or to

    SYC representative.

    7. Responsibilities of Charterer

    a. At check-in and prior to signing the Inventory

    Checklist, Charterer will check that boat and equipment

    is in good working order and up to minimum standards.

    At this time, Charterer can note with SYC anything it

    believes contrary or below the standards as set forth in

    the invoice. Acceptance by Charterer certifies that the

    obligations of SYC for delivery have been fulfilled.

    b. Upon delivery, Charterer and crew are fully

    responsible for the Vessel and for any damage to

    property or injury to persons that could happen

    including third parties. In the event a skipper has been

    provided by SYC, Charterer will remain responsible for

    the boat and the behaviour and well-being of crew.

    c. Charterer agrees to be responsible for all crew and

    passengers on board and binds crew and passengers to

    the terms provided herein.

    d. Charterer will be responsible for all boat maintenance

    during the charter and will pay all running expenses

    incurred after delivery of the boat, such as mooring fees,

    local taxes, fuel oil, water and food.

    e. If outside assistance is needed due to problems with

    the boat, Charterer will promptly notify SYC and or

    Marine Unlimited before incurring any such expense

    unless delay would risk personal injury or significant

    property damage. Charterer will keep all invoices and

    receipts concerning repairs that SYC will reimburse on

    return day, or as soon as possible. Charterer will take all

    reasonable steps to prevent the towing of the boat by

    another vessel. However, if towing is necessary despite

    all reasonable efforts, Charterer agrees to negotiate and

    fix the price of towing with the other vessel’s captain

    before operating.

    f. In case of an accident involving another vessel, the

    Charterer must contact SYC immediately and follow SYC

    instructions, independently of the Charterer having

    damaged the SYC Vessel and/or the other vessel.

    Charterer agrees to carry only up to the number of

    passengers required by security rules of the boat and

    the boat Spanish Maritine licence.

    g. Charterer agrees that he/she will not transport

    merchandise or carry passengers for pay or have any

    other commercial activity such as professional fishing.

    Lending or renting of the boat is prohibited.

    h. Charterer agrees to use the boat as a responsible

    person and will comply with all laws of Islands, including

    but not limited to, fishing and deep sea fishing

    regulations. Charterer will hold SYC harmless from and

    against any and all claims and legal actions arising under

    or in connection with this Contract for failure to abide

    by those rules and regulations.

    i. Charterer acknowledges that Vessels are allowed to

    participate only in select regattas approved by SYC.

    Regatta participation may be subject to a surcharge and

    increased security deposit. Participation in regattas not

    approved by SYC is strictly prohibited.

    j. The boat must be returned with all gear aboard in the

    same good conditions as upon departure, in good clean

    conditions, on the specified End Date, time, and End


    k. Charterer agrees to pay for any loss or damage not

    covered by Insurance that can occur on or to the Vessel

    until return. Charterer remains fully responsible for the

    Vessel until signature of the return counter-inventory

    and final disembarkation.

    l. Charterer agrees to stay within the approved cruising

    ground as provided by

    SYC and/or by law and as specified by the vessels

    Spanish Licence. Charterer agrees not to leave the

    harbour or mooring with winds over force 6 or if this

    strength of wind is forecasted, or if port authorities have

    prohibited any navigation, if the Vessel is damaged and

    not repaired, and if any vital equipment such as engine,

    sails, rigging, bilge pump, navigation lights, berth gears,

    compass, or security equipment are not in good working

    conditions, if fuel reserves are not sufficient, if, in

    general, weather, Vessel or crew conditions endanger

    Vessel or crew. Charterer agrees to follow any

    navigation and routing instructions which SYC may give

    him especially in the event of bad weather.

    m. Charterer agrees not to sail after dusk. Charterer

    agrees to include in the ship’s log a daily entry to

    include: destination harbour, Vessel and crew condition,

    any change in crew, successive positions/locations,

    weather conditions, sails used and engine working


    n. Any likeness or image of you or your party aboard

    your chartered Vessel secured during your charter may

    be used by SYC without charge in all media for bona fide

    promotional or marketing purposes, including without

    limitation promotional materials of any kind, such as

    brochures, slides, video shows, advertisements and the


    Note : Please not that charters that are less than 9 days

    and departing from Alcudia, Mallorca are not authorised

    to sail beyond Mallorca’s coastal waters up to a maximin

    of 12 miles from the coast unless previously agreed in

    writing by SYC.

    8. Damage Deposit/Insurance Deductible.

    The operator has taken out insurance cover for the

    chartered boat and the charter client, against all

    accidental damage including damage to third parties.

    However, the theft or loss of personal belongings of the

    charter client as well as of all the people on board,

    likewise all accidents of which they may be victims, are

    excluded from the scope of this insurance.

    In the event of any damage whatsoever, including to

    third parties or theft, the charter client must submit a

    sea report, including, if necessary, a response statement

    to that of the third party with the full contact details of

    third parties and their own insurers, and in all cases

    notify the operator immediately. Failure to do so is

    covered in the provisions of Article 13 “Voluntary


    The insurance cover taken out by the Operator includes

    an excess deposit which will be borne by the charter

    client. The latter therefore remains his own insurer for

    any loss or damage whatsoever, including those caused

    to others, not covered by the insurance, up to the

    amount of the deposit specified in the special

    contractual conditions.

    The charter client can ask SYC for a reduction of this

    deposit by means of additional optional contractual fees

    – this extra is mandatory for a charter with skipper and

    in some destinations, indicated in the booking


    In all cases, a minimum security deposit as defined by

    the specific contractual conditions will remain the

    responsibility of the charter client. The operator will not

    be required to provide the charter client with a

    replacement boat or to pay any compensation in the

    event of immobilization of the chartered boat following

    accidental damage during the charter

    9. Contract Cancellation and changes

    a. If Charterer cancels more than 60 days before original

    charter start, Charterer will lose its 30% deposit. If

    Charterer has already paid for add-on options, SYC will

    reimburse Charterer for these expenses.

    b. If Charterer cancels 59 days or less before the original

    charter start, Charterer will lose the entire charter fee

    paid to date. If Charterer has already paid for add-on

    options, SYC will reimburse Charterer for these

    expenses, unless cancellation occurs within seven days

    of departure. If within seven days, payment for add-on

    options will not be refunded.

    c. Charterer has the option to purchase travel insurance

    to cover any losses Charterer may sustain if the charter

    is cancelled prior to your departure and should do so at

    their own discretion.

    d. Changes to dates and or yachts booked are

    subject to current prices.

    10. Force Majeure.

    a. SYC shall not be liable for any loss, damages or delay

    or failure in performance hereunder resulting from any

    force majeure event, including but not limited to acts of

    God, fire, action of the elements, epidemics, war

    (declared or undeclared), warlike actions, insurrection,

    revolution or civil strife, piracy, civil war or hostile

    action, strikes or differences with workmen, acts of the

    public enemy, federal or state laws, rules and

    regulations of any governmental authorities having or

    asserting jurisdiction in the premises or of any other

    group, organization or informal association (whether or

    not formally recognized as a government), and any

    other cause beyond the reasonable control of SYC which

    makes continuance of operations impossible.

    b. In the event of a delay or failure of performance

    based upon an event described above:

    i. All payments made towards the charter shall be used

    as a credit for a future charter. No refunds will be


    ii. SYC will work with Charterer to book a new charter on

    new dates, based upon availability and the Charterer’s

    preference. If the parties cannot book a new charter at

    that time, Charterer’s deposit will remain as a credit

    with SYC and will never expire.

    iii. SYC will not be responsible for additional costs

    incurred by Charterer as a result of changes to their

    charter due to a force majeure event.

    11. Additional Delays

    a. If on departure date, the hired boat or equivalent is

    not available for reason other than a force majeure

    event, Charterer has the right to the following options, if


    i. When available, delay the departure date and

    maintain charter duration;

    ii. Maintain charter end date in invoice and Charterer

    will be refunded for time the Vessel was unavailable on

    a prorated basis of charter fee.

    iii. If delay exceeds one quarter of the charter time,

    Charterer may cancel the agreement with SYC and be

    refund for charter fee.

    b. Charterer waives any and all claims, damages, debts,

    liabilities, demands, costs, expenses, interest, suits

    and/or attorneys’ fees as s result of a delay in the


    c. Any interrupted or shortened charter, any service not

    used by Charterer, for any reason, is not refundable.

    12. Miscellaneous.

    a. Governing Laws: Any legal action arising under or in

    connection with this contract will be adjudicated in a

    British court of law.

    b. Maritime Liens: The Charterer shall not incur or allow

    any maritime lien, salvage, or debt on the Vessel or on

    SYC’s credit. The Charterer shall not abandon the Vessel

    or enter into any salvage agreement without the SYC’s

    prior written consent. The Charterer shall indemnify and

    hold SYC harmless against and from any liability for any

    maritime lien, salvage, or debt that arises on the Vessel

    or SYC’s credit as a result of any act or omission of the


    13. Voluntary breach of contractual


    The charter client or his crew who wilfully violate any of

    the specific or general provisions of this contract will be

    responsible for - if this results in proven damage to


    a. Damage not covered by the insurance taken out by

    Skittles Yacht Charter, including in the event of total loss

    of the boat,

    b. a tripling of the contractual deposit with cancellation

    of the possibilities of contractual reduction of the latter

    in the event of damage by the charter client.

    The Charter will be on the 20 th August 2023,

    Departing from Alcudia Marina Berth 676 at

    11:00am and returning to the same berth by

    17:00. The Boat will be supplied full of fuel

    and the Charterer will be responsible to refuel

    the boat at Alcudia Marina on return, the

    deposit of Euro 5000 will be refunded to the

    charterers credit card less any credit card

    fees, after a successful sea trial by SYC, the

    refund many take 7 to 14 days in accordance

    with the Stripe credit card process.